Grace and Forgiveness: "The Father’s Heart for the Lost"
Grace and Forgiveness: "The Father’s Heart for the Lost"
by Danica McCall
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. —1 John 3:1
Shame, guilt, and utter despair… I felt them all as I Iay on a cold hospital bed. I had just been told that my boyfriend, Donovan, was dead. My reckless teenage driving was to blame. I had ended the life of someone I loved.
Later that night, Donovan’s family asked to speak with me. I could only imagine the anger, pain, and sheer resentment they felt. Surely the only cure for their grief would be the satisfaction of revenge. So, I prepared to receive the wrath I deserved, and agreed to let them come into the room. But before I could even cry out, “I’m sorry!” they embraced me into their arms. As they held me tightly, their words spilled over me, “We loved you when you left our house for the movies, and we love you still. Nothing you’ve done could ever change that. You’re forgiven.”
That was the first time I experienced unconditional love, the kind our Heavenly Father has for us. Like the son in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, I received something I didn’t deserve.
If you’re not familiar with the parable, it’s the story of a son who collected his inheritance early and ran off to a life of recklessness, wasting away all his money. After coming to the end of himself, he realized that his behavior had led him to despair. Riddled with shame, he mustered up the courage to go back home and ask for his father’s forgiveness. Knowing he was unworthy to be considered his father’s son anymore, he hoped he would be allowed to be a servant under his roof. But before he could speak, the father ran to meet him and celebrate his return. Luke 15: 20 describes the moment this way: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”
The love of the father in this story is a love that rejoiced in redemption, regardless of his son’s failures. Luke 15: 24 says, “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to celebrate.”
This is the very thing I experienced—from Donovan’s parents and from God Himself. Before I could even speak, I was embraced into loving arms. Truly God rejoices in our presence rather than our shortcomings.
Perhaps you see parts of yourself in these two stories. Is shame preventing you from stepping toward God? Do you believe that you are undeserving of God’s love? I want to offer you hope today. You are not too far gone to return to Him; God loves you.
The message of the gospel is that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus’ death reflects His love for us. His grace says that we receive the gift of salvation through His love and kindness without having to do anything to earn it. His forgiveness says that even though we deserve the punishment of death, He wipes our soul clean.
Wherever you find yourself today, I encourage you to embrace God’s gift of grace and the unconditional love found in the forgiveness that His Son, Jesus, offers you. Nothing you have done could ever change the love that God has for you.