Locations & Times

Hidden In Plain Sight

Who Are The Sons Of God | Hidden In Plain Sight | Week 2

September 16, 2023 | By Jim Burgen

Jim dives into how we should pay attention to spiritual challenges in the world and stay ready for what is ahead. He highlights the need for Christians to address moral issues within society and encourages everyone to take some time for self-reflection. He emphasizes how important it is to follow God's values and take action to tackle these challenges, starting with prayer.


Glorious Day Available on "Worthy of Your Name" from sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records

We Praise You Available on "Revival's In The Air" from Bethel Music


All Hail King Jesus Available on "Homecoming (Live)" from Bethel Music


// Bible References
Genesis 1:26-27; John 1:9-14, 3:16, 14:6; Job 38:4-7; Psalm 139:23-24, 82:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6; James 4:4

// Community Question
Why do you think it is easy to dismiss or ignore the spiritual realm, specifically spiritual warfare?

// Discussion Questions

  1. Based on Genesis 1-12, the sermon explores how some rebellious 'sons of God' chose to oppose God and lead people away from the one true God, becoming a source of evil. How do you think God's original intent for creation was disrupted and what is the process of redemption? What role do you think our personal redemption through Jesus plays in the larger story of God's redemption plan?
  2. Pastor Burgen discussed how throughout the Bible, the authors use family terms to refer to those connected to God. Why are family terms like 'sons of God' and 'children of God' used to describe our relationship with Him? How can you practically live as a 'child of God' in your daily life, and what changes could you make to strengthen your relationship with God as your Father?
  3. Pastor Burgen encouraged Christians on the dangers of being naive or passive about the ongoing spiritual battle we see around us? How can you become more aware of the spiritual side of community and world issues, and what steps can you take to engage in prayer/spiritual warfare?
  4. Pastor Burgen emphasized that God enjoys working with and through His creation, despite not needing their assistance in ruling or making decisions. Why do you think God chooses to share His reign and work with His creation even though He doesn't need their help?
  5. Pastor Burgen shared two stories involving witchcraft and sorcery. How do the stories of demonic activity shared in the sermon serve as a call for Christians to be more aware of spiritual warfare? Have you ever experienced or witnessed any spiritual warfare in your life? If so, how did it affect your perspective on the spiritual battle around us?

// Challenge: When we examine our own life, what have we allowed to become a regular part of our life that doesn’t fit into a life that pursues Jesus? What is it? What steps can we take to remove it from our lives?

Other Messages in this Series