Locations & Times

Something Unexpected

Zechariah and Elizabeth | Week 1

December 3, 2023 | By Jesse DeYoung

Feeling stuck or disappointed? Ever wondered if it's too late for things to change? Join us as we explore the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth—a couple facing challenges, yet discovering three powerful truths that might just help you too. Discover how faith, obedience, and courage can unlock new possibilities, even in tough times. Find hope and purpose in this inspiring message about never giving up, no matter what life throws your way.


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// Bible References
Luke 1:5-20,57-64; Proverbs 3:32; Galatians 1:10

// Community Question
Share your best “My vehicle got stuck in the snow” story.

// Discussion Questions

  1. Read Luke 1:5-20. In the sermon, Jesse discussed how Zechariah and Elizabeth felt stuck and had unmet expectations, but God still had a plan for them. How can we apply the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth to our own lives when we feel stuck or have unmet expectations? What is a situation in your life where you felt stuck, and how did you see God's purpose or plan unfold in that situation?
  2. Jesse mentioned that to get unstuck, we need to take three steps: faith, obedience, and courage. What are some practical ways to practice faith, obedience, and courage in our daily lives? What is an example of when you practiced faith, obedience, or courage and saw a positive outcome?
  3. Jesse shared three important truths: it is not too late, this is not wasted time, and you are not here by chance. How can we remind ourselves of the truths mentioned in the sermon during times of waiting and uncertainty? What is a personal situation where reminding yourself of these truths has helped you, or might help you in the future?
  4. In the sermon, Jesse acknowledged that when we feel stuck in life it can be discouraging, but we need to remember that God has a plan for our future, and nothing can stop it except our unwillingness to participate in it. Why is it important to remember God has a plan for us? What part of our lives is God asking us to take a step of faith and join Him in His plan?
  5. Jesse posed the question of what if our current situation has everything to do with someone we will introduce to Jesus. How can we recognize opportunities to introduce someone to Jesus in our daily lives and take the initiative to make that invitation? Do you have any personal experiences where you took the initiative to introduce someone to Jesus, and how did that situation unfold?

// Challenge: Who is someone you feel needs to be introduced to Jesus this Christmas Season? Can you commit to inviting them?

Other Messages in this Series