Locations & Times

Hey God I Have A question...

Am I Saved? | Week4

February 2, 2025 | By Jesse DeYoung

Ever wondered who actually makes it to heaven? It’s one of the most personal, emotional, and life-defining questions we can ask. The truth isn’t about being "good enough" or checking off religious boxes—it’s about calling on the name of Jesus and submitting to His authority. But what does that really mean? And how can you know for sure where you stand? Let’s break it down and talk about what salvation really looks like—past, present, and future. Don’t miss this one.

Set List

"Made To Praise" by Corbin Phillips, Shantrice Nekia Laura, and Taylor Gall
"Rest On Us" by Brandon Lake, Elyssa Smith, Harvest Bashta, Jonathan Jay, Rebekah White, and Tony Brown
"Jesus Have It All" by David Funk, Edward Rivera, and Jeremy Riddle
"What A Beautiful Name" by Ben Fielding and Brooke Ligertwood

Discussion Questions

Am I Saved?

Jesse DeYoung
Feb 2nd, 2025

// Bible References: Rom 7:15,18-19, 21-25; 9:13, 10:9-10; Deut 6: 10-12; John 10:27-18, 14:6; Eph 2:8-9; James 2:14, 17-19; Matt 21:19

// Community Question: Why is it difficult to believe that God can save us?

// Discussion Questions

  1. Read Romans 10:9-10. In the sermon, it's explained that calling on the name of the Lord involves recognizing you need to be saved. What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord and why is it important for salvation? How might calling on the name of the Lord change the way you view your relationship with God?
  2. Jesse discussed how our society has shifted to believing we can save ourselves through various means, like money, education, law, or therapy. Why do you think many people struggle to acknowledge their need for a savior? Reflect on a time when you felt you could handle a situation on your own. How did that turn out, and what did you learn about needing help?
  3. Jesse emphasized that calling on the name of the Lord means submitting to His authority, rather than just seeking His advice. What does treating Jesus as a consultant vs a master mean in your daily life? Can you think of a decision you are facing where you could choose submitting to Jesus' authority? What would that look like?
  4. Read Eph 2:8-9. Ephesians emphasizes that grace, not works, leads to salvation. How can understanding that salvation is a gift and not based on your actions change how you view your mistakes and sins? What is an area in your life where you struggle to accept grace for your mistakes, and how might you begin to view it differently?
  5. Jesse spoke about feelings of doubt and how God wants us to relax in our faith knowing His love and assurance. In what ways can we counter our doubt or fear about our salvation with the truth and assurance from God's promises? What are some specific practices you can adopt to focus on God’s promises instead of your doubts?

// Challenge: Jesse challenged us to walk through difficult situations by simultaneously asking God to save us while praising Him, clinging to the promise that His deliverance will come. Share a situation with the group that you are asking the Lord to intervene in, where could you use help and how can this group support you.

Other Messages in this Series