Hey God I Have A question...
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? | Week 3
January 26, 2025 | By Karl Romeus
What if we're asking the wrong question about pain and suffering? We all wrestle with “Why do bad things happen?” but maybe the better question is, Who can help me through this? Job lost everything, yet his story shows us that even when life isn't fair, God is still near. Pain may not come with clear answers, but it can lead us closer to the presence of God. If you're struggling, know this—God hasn’t abandoned you. He’s right there, in the middle of your storm.
Set List
Discussion Questions
Why Suffering?
Karl Romeus
Jan 26th, 2025
// Bible References: Jn 9:1-3; 1 Cor 12:25-26, 13:12; Rom 5:12; 8:20-22; Deut 31:8; Job 1:1-22, 38:1-18, 22-33; 42:1-6 Is 48:10; Rev 21:4-5
// Community Question: Why do you think there is suffering in this world?
// Discussion Questions
- Read Rom 5:12. Karl referred to this scripture to explain that suffering is a consequence of humanity's fallen state due to sin. How does original sin teach us about the nature of suffering and death in the world? How does this understanding affect your views on justice and fairness in the world around you, especially concerning suffering?
- Karl explained how everyone experiences pain differently and comparing it can minimize our own struggles or those of others, and we shouldn't compare pain because it is personal. Why is it important to acknowledge our individual experiences with suffering? How do you think we can create a more supportive environment for friends who are experiencing suffering in their lives?
- Karl emphasized that 'Why am I suffering?' may not be the right question. Karl pointed out that finding help in God is crucial in our moments of suffering, rather than solely searching for reasons. Why do you think the focus should be on 'Who can help' instead? Who are the people or resources you turn to when you're going through tough times, and how can you involve God in that process?
- Karl discussed various theological perspectives on suffering, such as suffering turning us away from sin or helping to glorify God. What are some reasons we might suffer, and how does understanding these reasons help us cope with our own pain? Reflect on a time when you faced a difficult situation. How did understanding or searching for its purpose change the way you dealt with it?
- Karl shared that Job, despite his suffering, engaged deeply with God, which highlighted the importance of God's presence. How did the story of Job illustrate God’s presence during pain? Can you think of a time when you felt alone in your struggles? How can recognizing God’s presence change that feeling?
// Challenge: Karl encouraged us to approach God, show Him our wounds, and let His words begin to repair our hearts. What is a wound you can approach God with this week? How can this group support you during the healing process?