Locations & Times

Made For More

Christine Caine: “Unnamed,” “Unwanted,” And "Unqualified."| Week 6

September 8, 2024 | By Jim Burgen

Ever feel like you’re not good enough or don’t measure up? Christine Caine brings an empowering message about how we’re God’s workmanship, created with a purpose despite what the world tells us. Drawing from Isaiah 41:1 and Psalm 139, she reminds us that we’re not defined by labels like “unqualified,” “unwanted,” or "unqualified." No matter your past or present circumstances, God has a plan for your life, and His opinion is the only one that matters.

Set List 

"We Praise You" by Brandon Lake, Brian Johnson, Matt Redman, and Phil Wickham
"Who Else" by Abbie Gamboa, Josiah Funderburk, and Zac Rowe
"Gratitude" by Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, and Dante Bowe
"I Speak Jesus" by Abby Benton, Carlene Prince, Dustin Smith, Jesse Reeves, Kristen Dutton, and Raina Pratt

Small Group Questions

Our Story

Jim Burgen & Christine Caine
Sep 8th, 2024

// Bible References: 2 Corinthians 5:11-20

// Community Question: Reflect on a time in your life when you felt deeply satisfied or fulfilled. What made that moment special? 


// Discussion Questions

  1. Think about a challenging or painful season you’ve witnessed someone else go through. How did that experience seem to affect their sense of identity or purpose? How did watching them impact your own faith and understanding of what God can do through you?
  2. We all have moments where we’ve made mistakes or felt like we’ve fallen short. Is there a part of your story where something happened to you or maybe you did something that you started believing you weren’t worthy of more? How does the gospel, and your identity as a child of God, remind you that you are redeemed and made for more than just surviving your past?
  3. In what ways have you experienced God's redemption in your life, particularly in areas you thought were beyond repair? How has that redemption given you a greater sense of purpose?


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-20. This passage tells us we are a new creation in Christ. How does knowing you are made for more, with a unique purpose in God’s story, change the way you look at both the good and difficult parts of your past?
  2. In 2 Corinthians 5:20, we are called to be Christ’s ambassadors, representing Him to the world. How does this truth challenge or encourage you, knowing that no matter your past or story, God has chosen you to be His representative?

// Challenge: We all have stuff—facts and experiences—that have shaped who we are up to this point. What would it look like to stop looking back at those hard things and instead look up to Jesus, committing to say, “From now on, I will…”?
Challenge: Share your “I will” statement with the group, and then spend some time praying over each other.


Other Messages in this Series