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Made For More

Put up a Good Fight | Week 4

August 25, 2024 | By Ben Foote

Are you struggling to believe that God truly sees you as His beloved child? Many of us can accept that truth for others, but when it comes to ourselves, doubts creep in. We know our flaws, failures, and darkest thoughts. But Romans 8 reminds us that being a child of God isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about fighting the good fight. Even if we get knocked down by our sinful nature, the mark of God’s children is that we keep getting back up. God’s grace is scandalous, but it’s real. Embrace it. Fight the good fight, knowing God is in your corner.


Small Group Questions

// Bible References: Galatians 5:1; Romans 7:18-19,21-25; 8:12-17, Colossians 3:5; Ecclesiastes 4:12.

// Community Question: Think about a boxing movie (like Rocky) that you have seen, what trait made them a good boxer?

// Discussion Questions

  1. Ben talks about cancel culture and experiences of rejection in social media as contributors to the fear of God's rejection. How does cancel culture contribute to fears of love and acceptance by God? In what ways has social media or other aspects of rejection culture influenced your perception of yourself and God's love for you?
  2. Ben mentioned that people often struggle with feelings of unworthiness and focus on their failures and shortcomings. Why do you think many people struggle to accept that they are children of God? What personal experiences or beliefs make it challenging to embrace your identity as a child of God?
  3. Ben stated that there is no relationship “end line” with God, emphasizing that God's grace and forgiveness are available through Jesus. How can understanding grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ help us overcome the fear of rejection? What steps can you take to embrace the grace and forgiveness in your life, and how might it change your relationship with God?
  4. Read Romans 8:13-14. Ben emphasizes being led by the Holy Spirit as an indicator of our identity as a child of God and encouraged us to follow that leading in the ongoing fight against our sinful nature. What steps can you take to be led by the Holy Spirit and engage in the fight against sin?
  5. When Ben talks about fighting the good fight, he mentions that it starts with being assured of our new identity in Christ. How can being assured of our identity help us in our daily battles? Can you think of a specific situation where your understanding of your identity in Christ helped you put up a good fight against fear and shame? If not, how might that understanding help you in the future?

// Challenge: Read Ecclesiastes 4:12. Think about something you are struggling to fight against. How could this group help you this week to continue to fight against it?

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