Locations & Times

Made For More

Into the Round Pen | Week 1

August 8, 2024 | By Jim Burgen

Have you ever felt that God is trying to teach you something through your struggles? In this message, Jim explores how God communicates with us through His creation, especially through our experiences and the animals around us. After a rejuvenating sabbatical, Jim returns with fresh insights from God's teachings, illustrated by stories of his dog Murphy, their new puppy Gus, and a wild Mustang. We'll dive into the Book of Romans and the parables of Jesus, revealing how paying attention to God's creation can lead to profound truths about His love and intentions for us. Join us as we embark on this August series, discovering how we are all made for more.

 Set List
"This Is Our God" by Brandon Lake, Pat Barrett, Phil Wickham, and Steven Furtick
"Made For More" by Blake Wiggins, Jessie Early, Jonathan Smith, and Josh Baldwin
"Good Good Father" by Anthony Brown and Pat Barrett
Small Group Questions

Into the Round Pin
Jim Burgen
July 28th, 2024

// Bible References: Romans 1:19-20, Luke 15:11-24, 1 John 3:1


// Community Question: Has anyone ever ridden a horse? Describe the experience.

// Discussion Questions

  1. Jim discusses his experience with horses and draws parallels between training a horse, it’s aversion to trust based on its past experiences, and our relationship with God. What lessons can we learn from the relationship and trust-building between trainers and horses? How can these lessons help us improve our relationship and trust in God?


  1. Jim encourages the audience to examine their own beliefs and consider how their perspectives may be limiting their understanding. In what ways do our past experiences, what we have been taught, and behaviors shape our understanding of God and ourselves? Identify a belief you hold about God that may be limiting. How can you challenge this belief and move closer to the truth?


  1. Read Luke 15:20-24. This passage illustrates the fathers unconditional love for his son. Think about a time when someone made you feel truly valued and loved. Who was it, and what did they do that made you feel that way? Write down the specific actions or words that stood out to you.
  2. Jim highlights the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15 and emphasizes the importance of embracing our identity as children of God. How does the story of the prodigal son illustrate the themes of identity and grace? How do you understand your identity as a child of God and what are some ways you can show grace to yourself and others when dealing with past mistakes or performance?
  3. Jim mentions the upcoming Rocky Mountain Men’s Summit and the Thin Red Line Challenge, encouraging the audience to participate in activities that will help them discover their true potential. What opportunities are there in your life to explore the idea that you were made for more? What steps can you take to experience the fullness of God's plan for you?

// Challenge: Next week…live horses being TRAINED ON STAGE. Who do you know would want to see this? Invite them next week.

Other Messages in this Series