Locations & Times

Made For More

Spirit of Adoption | Week 3

August 18, 2024 | By Jim Burgen

Are you stuck in survival mode, running in circles, and living like a slave to your past? This weekend, we explored a powerful truth: God doesn't see you as a project or pity you—He loves you as His child. Through stories, scripture, and even a unique horse analogy, we unpack how understanding your true identity in God can change everything. You were made for more—more significance, purpose, and joy. Learn how turning toward God as your Father can lead you into the life you were meant for, filled with freedom and grace. Join us and see how embracing this truth can transform your life and the lives of others around you.

Set List 

"Praise The Lord" by Brandon Lake, Jonathan Smith, Mia Fieldes, Phil Wickham, and Steven Furtick
"Who You Say I Am" by Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan
"Lean Back" by Nate Moore, Tony Brown, Chris McClarney, and Amanda Cook
"No Longer Slaves" by Bethel Music

Small Group Questions

Spirit of Adoption

Jim Burgen
Aug 18th, 2024

// Bible References: Romans 8:14-17; John 1:12-13.

// Community Question: Describe a time in which you truly felt accepted. What did that look and feel like? 

// Discussion Questions

  1. Jim referenced last week’s horses to explain how our past experiences may have affected our perception of God. How can we change our perspective on past experiences and traumas that have skewed our view of God? Can you identify any past experiences in your own life that have led to a skewed view of God? What might help in changing that perspective?
  2. Jim acknowledged that trusting in God's unconditional love can be difficult due to past pain and disappointment. Why is it challenging to trust God's unconditional love? Have you personally struggled with trusting God's love? What steps can you take to strengthen your trust in His love for you?
  3. In the message, Jim explained that understanding our identity as children of God can transform our lives and the way we view ourselves. Why is it important to understand our identity as children of God? How can embracing your identity as a child of God impact your daily life, choices, and mindset?
  4. Read Romans 8:14-17. Jim referenced Romans to emphasize the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit's confirmation of our identity as children of God. How can we actively listen to the Holy Spirit so that we know we are children of God and heirs of His kingdom? What practices or habits can you adopt to help cultivate hearing the Holy Spirit’s guidance more clearly?
  5. Jim talked about how we should display God's love through action and share the spirit of adoption with those around us. What ways can we share the spirit of adoption with others? What are some practical actions you can take to help others experience the spirit of adoption and God's unconditional love?


// Challenge: Everyone can help the mission of One Child. Consider partnering with One Child this week through prayer and/or sponsorship of child. Help Flatirons reach its goal of sponsoring 800 more Honduran children and impacting a community by demonstrating the goodness of the Father.  Find more information on how to sponsor a child here: https://my.onechild.org/flatironschurch-search

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