Locations & Times


Tower of Babel | Week 4

November 26, 2023 | By Jim Burgen

Life without Jesus is your choicebut it will lead to death and separation from God. Life with Jesus is also your choice, and it will lead to abundant life, grace, forgiveness, peace, and joy. Human history is full of constant rebellions against God. Join us as we explore pivotal moments like the story of the Tower of Babel, uncovering insights into our misuse of free will and its repercussions. Delve into the transformative power of faith, obedience, and the eternal offer of grace. We can either choose between a life void of Jesus and the abundant, joyous path found in Him.


Count Em Available on "COAT OF MANY COLORS" from Brandon Lake

Battle Belongs Available on “Hymn Of Heaven” from Phil Wickham

Firm Foundation (He Won't) Available on "Firm Foundation (He Won't) Single" from Tribl Records

Holy Forever Available on "Always" from Chris Tomlin

Goodness Of God Available on "Victory" from Bethel Music


Bible References

Genesis 11:1-9, Deut 32:8-9; Romans 1:18-32, 6:1-3; 1 Corinthians 5:5

// Community Question
Thanksgiving is the best holiday because there are no expectations. Discuss 

// Discussion Questions

  1. Pastor Jim Burgen mentions the first rebellion in the Garden of Eden, the second rebellion in Genesis 6, and the third rebellion at the Tower of Babel. Of the three rebellions (A) Choosing to follow a different plan other than God’s B) Worshipping false idols C) Being our own God), how do they demonstrate mankind's misuse of free will? Can you identify areas in your life where you have misused free will?
  2. Read Genesis 11:1-9. Pastor Burgen explains that the people's arrogance and disobedience after the time of Noah led them to reject God's command to fill the earth, and instead built the Tower of Babel. Why did God confuse the languages and disperse the people? How have you also prioritized your desires and achievements over God's will? What steps can you take to realign your priorities?
  3. Read Deuteronomy 32:8-9. In this passage God gives the nations their inheritance, which Pastor Jim relays is a statement of God’s judgement, by letting the nations exercise their free will and pursue whatever sin they want to pursue. What are some dangers of pursuing a life free from the God’s direction? What are some areas of our lives that we don’t seek God’s input in? Why?
  4. Pastor Burgen emphasizes that while salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus, faith should lead us to a life of obedience and allegiance to Him. Why is it important for faith to be demonstrated through loyalty and obedience to Jesus, rather than merely professing belief? What are some practical ways you can show your loyalty and obedience to Jesus through your everyday actions and choices?
  5. The sermon states that Jesus' sacrifice offers forgiveness of sin and eternal life, while the Holy Spirit works to transform hearts and minds. What areas of your life are you struggling to surrender to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to transform? How can you put your trust in Him for these issues?


// Challenge: Life without Jesus is your choice, but it will lead to death and separation from God. Life with Jesus is also your choice, and it will lead to life, grace, forgiveness, peace, and joy. Choose life with Jesus.

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