Rich Fool
March 2, 2025 | By Jim Burgen
What’s your life really about? Jesus tells two stories—one about a rich fool who hoarded everything for himself and lost it all, and another about a rich young ruler who walked away sad because he couldn’t let go of his wealth. But what if that same man later gave it all away and changed the world? The truth is, what you trust in—your wealth, your plans, or Jesus—determines everything. If your life ended today, what would it have been about? Maybe it’s time for a shift. Are you open to that?
Set List
Discussion Questions
Rich Fool
Jim Burgen
March 2nd, 2025
// Bible References: Luke 12:13-21, 31-34; 18:18-27; Mark 4:26-28; Acts 4:36-37; Psalm 49:16-20
// Community Question: Discuss the validity of the famous 90’s bumper sticker philosophy, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.”
// Discussion Questions
- Read Luke 12:13-15. What do you think Jesus meant when He said, 'For one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions'? How can we shift our focus from material possessions to seeking Jesus and His kingdom first? What values might that shift in focus produce?
- In the sermon, two brothers interrupted Jesus to argue about an inheritance. What does this tell us about human nature and our tendency to focus on material gain? Can you think of a time when you or someone you know prioritized material gain over personal relationships or spiritual health? What happened?
- Read Luke 12:26-21. Jesus tells the story of the rich fool who thought he had secured his future by hoarding wealth, but God called him a fool for not recognizing the temporary nature of life. What can this story teach us about the risks of putting our trust in money? What are some ways we can ensure that we’re investing our time, energy, and resources in things that have lasting value?
- Read Luke 18:18-27; Acts 4:36-37. The sermon illustrates that Jesus can change a person’s heart and priorities, leading them to live for God's kingdom rather than their own comfort. Reflecting on the transformation from the rich young ruler to Barnabus, what does this suggest about the power of change through faith? What areas of your life do you feel need change? How can you invite Jesus into those areas to help you grow?
- Jim shared a key question: 'What does your life consist of?' How would you answer this question for yourself right now? This question emphasizes the need to reflect on our true purpose of seeking Jesus and his kingdom. What practical steps can you take to align your daily decisions and actions with seeking Jesus and his Kingdom?
// Challenge: Jim challenged us to reflect on what our life legacy will be, specifically asking if people will know we were a person changed by Jesus. What do you think your legacy will be? What are some areas, if you are honest, would you like to change? How can you take a step towards creating that new legacy today?