Locations & Times


Why Parables?

February 16, 2025 | By Jim Burgen

Was Jesus just a kind storyteller, or was He the most brilliant teacher of all time? This video explores how His parables reveal deep truths, using insights from The Scandal of the Kingdom by Dallas Willard. Jesus understood all science, history, and human nature—yet He used simple stories to explain the kingdom of heaven. Don’t miss the genius behind His words!

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Discussion Questions

Why Parables?

Jim Burgen
Feb 16th, 2025

// Bible References: John 13:34-35; Matt 13:1-9; Rev 22:20-21

// Community Question: What is your favorite parable or moral story?

// Discussion Questions

  1. Jim mentioned that too often we think of Jesus as just a simple storyteller rather than the intelligent and creative teacher he truly is. How does understanding Jesus as the 'brightest and most capable teacher' change the way we approach his parables? What are some sermons, personal stories, or biblical teachings you’ve heard that have changed your understanding of life?
  2. Jim distinguished between merely believing in Jesus for salvation and embracing the kind of faith that influences how we live every day. What does it mean to have the 'Faith OF Jesus' compared to just 'Faith IN Jesus'? How can you start to live your life with the 'Faith OF Jesus' this week? What specific actions might reflect that faith?
  3. Jim mentioned that Jesus aimed to disrupt cultural assumptions to realign them with the kingdom of God. How can we identify the cultural norms in our lives that Jesus might challenge, similar to how he challenged the norms of his time? What are some beliefs or habits in your life that you think might need to be reevaluated considering what Jesus teaches?
  4. Jim reminded us that the only reason that Jesus teaches us in parables that give us instruction is because He loves us and wants our lives to be better. How might this understanding change how we read our Bible and apply its truths to our lives? What is the hardest part of accepting some of Jesus’ teaching?
  5. Jim taught that there are five aspects of Jesus’ parables. 1) Cultural relevance 2) Memorable 3) Understandable [ex. Using objects and subjects His audience would be familiar with] 4) Demonstratable [i.e. There is a logic to the outcomes] 5) Meaningful layers. [There is a depth of meaning that can be re-studied for different truths.] Which one aspect of Jesus’ parables stick’s out to you and why? How might knowing this change the way you read the parables of Jesus?

// Challenge: Read Matthew 13:1-9. What part of this story of this story describes you, and how does it cause you to look at in your own life and relationship with God?

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